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Palestinian stories, shared.

Letters from Palestine is a social project that invites Palestinians from all walks of life to share their stories and experiences. By giving a voice to Palestinians around the world, we create a space to explore identity, culture, and the power of personal narratives in building connections and understanding.

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Dear Palestine,
I’ve been away from you for almost a year now and I think you could imagine the heartbreak of your child away from you , I miss you.
I miss every little detail within your borders, the smell of thyme , the sight of birds in the early morning, the footsteps of school children running in the street, the spirit of teenagers partying and laughing despite all sufferance, the innocence of kids playing under their building, the flag flying high in the sky, the look on a young man face after coming back from clashes proudly, the artists performing dabke dances in national holidays, the youth making rebellious posters and sharing them everywhere in wast el balad, the rocks of an old Bethlehem house filled with flowers, the air of Ramallah playing with your hair in a windy night.
I missed you.
I miss my family.
I miss my friends.
I miss my memories.
I love you so much my dear homeland and if it’s my choice I will never leave you and would never accept to see you suffering.
From a child you raised.
Peace be surrounding your beautiful fields my Palestine.





"لف و ارجع"

جملة بكرهها بتمنعني ادخل احلى اماكن بلادي زي يافا و القدس و عكا و حيفا و غزة ،بطلع على الجندي بأستحقار لأنو بعرف متعتو. بس يشوف معاناتك و بعطي نظرة اخيرة كلها قوى بعيدة عن الانكسار و بلف و برجع. بس حيجي يوم هو يلف و يرجع ونا بدي احكيلو يلف و يرجع و كلنا بدنا ياهم يلفو و يرجعو يرجعو و احنا ترجعلنا فلسطين تاعتنا.


Rami Salah




Child of a prophet

What made you so heartless

Firing missiles at scarred kids

As they play with toy rockets

A pharaoh in the land

But retrace your steps

Walk through Egypt’s sands

Gaze at Pharaoh’s hands

You watched the waves crashing down

Then rose to haughty heights

You chose tyranny over piety

Was your soul worth the price?

But the Hour awaits

The Trumpet will be blown

And the children will watch

As Pharaoh leads you home




Saudi Arabia

Dear Palestine,

Today marks 20 years of me living in another place, in a strange world surrounded by strange people who don't talk my words or act like me. When will this end? when will you let me come and be between my family again. I wake up everyday with this painful feeling in my heart, a feeling that only us, who were forcibly kicked out of our homeland feel, isolation, loneliness, feeling like you do not belong, and I have been experiencing this everyday, every morning, for the past 20 years. Is it too much to ask for? Is it too much to ask to return to my home, return to my people, and be happy again? But I haven't lost hope, and I will keep dreaming of the day that we will meet, how sunny it will be, surrounded by the sea and the people of my land, happy, singing and dancing. I only pray for it to happen soon.

Yours truly,

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