Questions & Answers

What is Letters from Palestine?

Letters from Palestine is a community project aimed at empowering Palestinian immigrants through shared personal narratives, identities, and experiences. The goal is to raise awareness about Palestine, foster cross-cultural empathy, and reclaim the Palestinian narrative through stories, customs, history, and aspirations.

How can I submit my letter?

You can submit your letter through our online submission form or send it to our email address.

How can I support Letters from Palestine?

You can support the project by sharing it on social media, volunteering, donating, or hosting an event to engage your community in dialogue.

Why is it important to share personal narratives in the context of the Palestinian cause?

Sharing personal narratives helps to humanize the Palestinian experience, foster empathy and understanding, and create a more accurate representation of the conflict. This can contribute to a more just and peaceful future for Palestinians.

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