To ensure that your letter is meaningful and has the greatest impact, please follow these guidelines when writing:

1. Be authentic and honest: Share your genuine thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Your authenticity will help your story resonate with readers and foster a deeper connection.
2. Respect the privacy of others: If you are sharing personal stories about family members or friends, make sure you have their permission and maintain their privacy by avoiding the use of full names or other identifying information.
3. Be respectful and sensitive: While discussing the conflict and sharing personal experiences can evoke strong emotions, please be respectful and sensitive towards the feelings and opinions of others.
4. Language: Your letter should be written in either English or Arabic. If you're not comfortable writing in either language, consider asking a friend or family member for assistance.
5. Proofread and edit: Before submitting your letter, take the time to proofread and edit it for clarity, grammar, and punctuation. Well-written letters are more likely to be published and shared with our audience.

Remember, your voice matters, and your story has the power to create change. Thank you for contributing to Letters from Palestine! For inspiration, you can read some of the letters already published. See all letters ➜

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